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Presented by the Billy Sparks Kentuckiana Pack

River Rat
Challenge Coins, Thumb Drives, Swag Bags, DVDs


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River Rats Challenge Coin

The  River Rats Challenge Coin celebrating the 50th anniversary of the RRVFPA.

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River Rats Life Member Coin


An updated version of the River Rats Challenge Coin signifying Life Membership in the River Rats.

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The 2023 River Rats Reunion/Museum Grand Opening Challenge Coin

Get your specially designed coin to celebrate the Grand Opening of the River Rat Museum in October 2023.

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2023 Thumb Drives
& Reunion Coins
Get them while they last!


 ROBIN OLDS Challenge Coin


Not much else can be said about the man known as Robin . Get your  challenge coin today.

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Scrappy's "100th" Coin



A Challenge Coin to help celebrate Scrappy  Johnson's 100th Birthday. 



River Rats Bottle Opener Coin


Anchor DVD

A bottle opener  version of the River Rats Challenge Coin 


Museum Challenge Coin


The new River Rat - Aviation Heritage Park Challenge Coin

Billy Sparks Kentuckiana Challenge Coin

The official challenge coin of the Billy Sparks Kentuckiana Pack

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50th Anniversary Challenge Coin


Challenge Coin from the River Rats 50th Anniversary Reunion, held in Louisville, KY, 2017.

Limited supplies left.

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River Rats NAMPOW Coin


A version of the River Rats Challenge Coin designed for NAMPOWs. Password required.

50th Anniversary DVD

50th Anniversary DVD

The River Rat's
0th Anniversary DVD 


The Billy Sparks pack is based out of the Louisville area and covers all surrounding areas of the Kentuckiana area. Our mission is to promote the commraderaie and traditions of the Red River Valley Fighter Pilot Association,"the River Rats,” for those who have come before us and to current members and those wanting to become a River Rat. While flying fighters is not a requirement to be a River Rat, we are united by a shared "Aviation Warrior Spirt.”




Billy Sparks Kentuckiana Pack
7716 Cambridge Ct.

Crestwood, KY 40014


© 2018 by Billy Sparks Pack. Proudly created with

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