About the Coin, The River Rats, and this Website
This coin is dedicated to the F-105 Combat Fighter Pilots. The F-105 Combat Fighter Pilot group represents not only the pilots who flew the THUD in combat, but to the EWOs who were so vital to the success of the Wild Weasel mission. The coin is two-inches in diameter, finished in antique silver with a smooth cut edge. We worked with the F-105 CFP group members to come up with the design you see here. The problem was that the Thud did so many things and was involved in so much action, that it really became hard to limit what we could put on a
2-inch challenge coin. If you have any questions or comments on the coin or the ordering of it, please send us an email at kentuckianarr@gmail.com.
Not a River Rat? If you like the camaraderie and meaning that has anything to do with the
F-105, then you will love being a part of the Rats. While membership is open to all military aircrews, if you have the "Aviation Warrior Spirit", then you have what it takes to become an associate member fo the River Rats. For more information on the River Rats and to see how you can join as either a regular or associate member, click the River Rats logo above or visit their website at River-Rats.org. As a "one time good deal, G.I.", anyone who joins the River Rats will receive a free River Rats challenge coin. Just let them know that you are joining from the F-105 CFP site. See the River Rat challenge coin here, River Rat Challenge Coin.
The website that you are on is hosted by the Billy Sparks Kentuckiana Pack website (billysparkspack.com). If you love the F-105, than you will want to check out the website. Feel free to look at the different sections as there are TINS, photos, newsletter updates and even other challenge coins that can be purchased. If you are interested in getting on the Kentuckiana Pack newsletter email list, there are links for that on the site. Of special note, check out the "River Rat Museum" link to learn more about the upcoming River Rats Museum. The River Rats have just started the initial steps to start the museum project by teaming up with the Aviation Heritage Park in Bowling Green, KY, (https://www.aviationheritagepark.com) as they start the construction of their new museum.

Front of the coin
The front has the iconic Thunderchief Arrowhead patch in RED to keep the red and blue theme of the 100 mission patch that is on the back. River Rats patch with "CHARTER MEMBER", as this group of Thud pilots were there at the very beginning. The Yankee Air Pirate party suit patch to complete the look.

Back of the coin
On the rear, the 27.5 red stars on the outer ring represent the number of MIG kills credited to
F-105 pilots. The inner rings have both the 355th and 388th TFW represented with a small selection of the unforgettable call signs associated with each wing. The POW/MIA logo in remembrance of those comrades who were POW/MIA. And no F-105 Challenge coin would be complete without the iconic 100 Missions patch.
Obtaining Your Coin
The cost of one coin is $15 (US Mail). Your cost covers shipping and handling. Additional coins can be purchased for $10.00 per coin in the same order with no additional s&h costs.. The initial ordering form shows a cost of $10.00 per coin. At checkout, you will select the quantity and the $5.00 s&h will be added. If you are outside the U.S., please email us at kentuckianarr@gmail.com before you order, and let us know how many coins you want, your exact overseas address and we will find out postage on a case by case basis (APOs are standard $5.00). The small proceeds from the sale of the coin will go to the River Rats Museum funding campaign. If you have any questions or comments on the coin or the ordering of it, please send us an email at kentuckianarr@gmail.com.
Purchase online via Paypal
If you have any questions, contact:
Craig “Pontiff” Pope