Challenge Coin to honor River Rats who are NAMPOWs
This coin was made to honor all those River Rats that were part of the 4th Allied POW Wing.
River Rat NAMPOW
Challenge Coin

About the Coin
The coin is two-inches in diameter and is finished in a antique silver finish with a wave cut edge.

Displayed on the front of the coin is the Red River Valley Fighter Pilot Association shield and banner, the 4th Allied
POW Wing patch and the motto:
NAMPOW and LIFE MEMBER have been added to
complete the design.
The back of the coin features the following symbolic elements:
The 4 symbols of the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines
A nickel at the top center position, representing the “Throw a Nickel on the Grass” tradition for those who have gone before us
The POW/MIA ribbon in the center, with the yellow outline
The phrase “Check 6” sits at the bottom center
The dots along the top arc represent the tap code used by the POWs to communicate with each other, spelling out one of the standard yet powerful sign-offs: GBU (God Bless You)
The bottom arc is the Shakespeare saying which binds us altogether: “WE FEW, WE HAPPY FEW, WE BAND OF BROTHERS"
River Rats Challenge Coin Rules​
In keeping with the tradition of the original River Rat challenge coin, the rule is that “If coined, you have 5 seconds to produce your coin or you buy a round of drinks. If you manage to produce your coin within 5 seconds, then the person initiating the challenge would buy the round”.
Obtaining Your Coin
The coin is obtained from the Billy Sparks Kentuckiana Pack only.
The NAMPOW challenge coin was presented to those that attended the 2019 NAMPOW reunion.
For those NAMPOWs that were not able to make the reunion, simply email the Billy Sparks Pack and tell them that you would like to get a coin. There is no charge for the first coin. Tom Hanton has put out an email with all the details, including how to buy extra coins (if coins are remaining after everyone has received their coin) as a a password will be needed to complete the purchase.
In the email to request for your free coin, include your name, rank, mailing address. Send emails to Pontiff at: kentuckianarr@gmail.com
Do to the very limited production numbers of this coin, if you would like to purchase extra coins, send an email to Pontiff and if there are any coins remaining after everyone has received their coin, or if there is enough interest to place a follow on order, Pontiff will let you know the status of your request. If extra coins are available, they would cost $10.00 plus $5.00 shipping and handling. Additional coins in the same order are only $10.00 each with no additional s&h fees. The password will be needed to complete the order.
To order your coin, are interested in
getting extra coins or have any questions,
contact the Billy Sparks Pack at:
Craig “Pontiff” Pope
Billy Sparks Kentuckiana Pack LFC